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Orks are brutal and violent aliens who love nothing more than to fight. They are tough, with hulking physiques, thick skulls, and toothy maws. When gathered in an excitable crush of noise and death, Orks become infused with a strange energy that drives them to even greater acts of unrestrained ferocity. They gleefully pile into the fight, bellowing their deafening war cry – ‘Waaagh!’.

This 152-page book contains a trove of background information covering prominent Ork conflicts from the past and present, accompanied by spectacular artwork and galleries of painted miniatures. Codex: Orks grants you a detailed look into the organisation of Ork armies, be they small planetary raiding forces or monstrous Waaagh!s, as well as the troops, leaders, and war machines that fight among them. The book also contains the rules for leading a brutally effective Orks army in Combat Patrol, Crusade, and Matched Play games of Warhammer 40,000.

Inside this hardback codex, you'll find:
– Thrilling tales of legendary Ork escapades, from war on a galactic scale to smaller, more 'covert' operations
– All of the army rules you need to play games of Warhammer 40,000 with your Ork miniatures
– Lore on the Ork kulturs and how they structure their armies
– Detailed matched play rules, including dedicated secondary objectives
– A full suite of rules for playing narrative Crusade campaigns and intense Combat Patrol games

This book also contains a one-use code to unlock Codex: Orks content in Warhammer 40,000: The App.


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